Social Prescribing




Supporting You With Your Wellbeing

Do you need help with:

  • Introductions to clubs, social and activity groups
  • Access to counselling and befriending services
  • Support and care at home
  • Overcoming loneliness and isolation
  • Dealing with grief and loss
  • Ensuring you receive all your benefits and entitlements
  • Accessing work, training or education
  • Housing support
  • Low level mental health support

image of a social prescriber


A Social Prescriber Can Help You (or the person you care for):

  • By listening and discussing your needs and any worries
  • Advising you about and connecting you with services available from ourselves, NHS, other charities, agencies, volunteer groups and Coventry City Council 
  • By working alongside GP practice staff to provide “non-medical” options to assist with your health, wellbeing & social needs

Please ask for a referral through your GP or Reception Team. 

Find out more about Social Prescribing on the NHS Website


This service is provided in partnership with Coventry Primary Care Network Groups


Social Prescripber Drop-in Sessions

These are held on the 1st Friday of each month from 10am until 12pm noon at St Oswald’s church, Tile Hill, Coventry. 

At these sessions, along with the Social prescriber you will be able to:

  • Explore what is important for your wellbeing
  • Overcome loneliness and isolation
  • Be introduced to social and activity groups
  • Access benefits and entitlements
  • Deal with grief and loss
  • Access housing support and apply for various grants
  • Access work, training and adult education
  • Receive support at home
  • Access counselling and befriending services

Plus much more. Feel free to drop along to one of these free Friday sessions