Ordering a Repeat Prescription




We DO NOT accept paper prescriptions or take requests over the telephone or email.

Ordering a Repeat Prescription from July 2024

We are encouraging our patients to download and use either the NHS App or Patient Access App to order their repeat medication.

Both Apps also offer the patient additional options, which include viewing your medical records from 4th of October 2023, seeking help and advice and much more.

You can register with the NHS App at home without bringing ID into the surgery.

If you would like to use the Patient Access App, please come into the surgery and complete the online-registration form.


Ways to Order

If the doctor has agreed for you to have a repeat prescription, you may request repeat medication:

Please allow at least 48 hours for us to process your request.

Please book a medication review appointment when advised to do so.

This facility is only for items of repeat medication that have been agreed with your GP.  We are unable to issue items not on repeat prescription via this facility